MEV Bot Staking
Non-custodial staking of tokens to earn ETH. The source of profit is MEV bot which applies sandwich attacks and arbitrade by using your tokens.
No possibility to lose your tokens.
Available only for Ethereum
This method will find the best route of the swap
GET | POST /mevStakingInfo
{ ownerAddresses, tokenList }
**→{ … }
- ownerAddresses - List of addresses
- tokenList - Array of token addresses
Please notice! Rewards (ETH) would be returned only in first array element
"balance": "154225482844510188707",
{"balance":"75000000","symbol":"USDT","decimals":"6","name":"Tether USD"},{"balance":"1111000000000000000000","symbol":"JAM","decimals":"18","name":"Geojam"}
Stake tokens. ! If you cannot spend tokens then this method will return approve transaction (with isApprove: true flag) to approve to spend toekns
GET | POST /mevStake
{ ownerAddress, tokenAddress, value }
**→{ … }
- ownerAddress - Address of the owner.
- chainId - Got from previous step
- tokenAddress - Address of the token
- value - Token value
"metamaskDeepLink" : "https://link-to-request-the-metamask-wallet/...",
"transaction": { from, to, value, data, gas, ... }
Unstake tokens
GET | POST /mevUnstake
{ ownerAddress, tokenAddress, value }
→{ … }
- ownerAddress - Address of the owner.
- tokenAddress - Address of the token
- value - Token value
"metamaskDeepLink" : "https://link-to-request-the-metamask-wallet/...",
"transaction": { from, to, value, data, gas, ... }
Claim ETH
GET | POST /mevClaim
{ ownerAddress, tokenList }
→{ … }
- ownerAddress - Address of the owner.
"metamaskDeepLink" : "https://link-to-request-the-metamask-wallet/...",
"transaction": { from, to, value, data, gas, ... }