Other Management Functions
POST /changeCallbackUrl
{ signature, salt, newCallbackUrl, chainId }
→ 200 OKRemove notifications from previous url and add notifications on new url
POST /setEmailNotifications
{ signature, salt, emailAddress, chainId }
→ 200 OKGet notifications about deposits and withdrawal on your Email address. This method allows to setup the email but to enable notifications please contact support.
POST /getFaucet
{ chainId, to }
→ 200 OKOnly available for chainId 1337 right now.
POST /disableWalletIndex
{ signature, salt, chainId, walletIndex }
→ 200 OKThis method removes the wallet index from the address selection during withdraw.
POST /enableWalletIndex
{ signature, salt, chainId, walletIndex }
→ 200 OKThis method restores the wallet index to the address selection for the withdraw