GET | POST /initWithdraw
{ to, ownerAddress, amount, token }
→{ to, data, gas, gasPrice, nonce }
POST Data:
"to" : "0x5432....5432",
"tokenAddress" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"amount" : "134.00",
"ownerAddress": "0x23341....2343432",
"chainId" : 1,
"contractType" : "payment"
- to - recipient address
- tokenAddress - address of the token
- amount - human readable amount
- contractType - check contract types page for more information
"nonce" : 1,
"gas" : "0x123",
"gasPrice" : "0x123323",
"data" : "0x2df....Adsd",
"to" : "0x123...123"
}Please note that you have the ability to verify the accuracy of a transaction and confirm that it has been properly constructed. However, trust is still necessary before doing so.
Please sign the transaction like you did it before and prepare rawTx