GET | POST /withdraw
{ rawTx, chainId }
→{ transactionHash, status, … }
Second step for /initWithdraw
POST Data:
"chainId" : 1,
"rawTx" : "0x12313werwe.....23423werwdfsf",
"contractType" : "payment"
- chainId - chainId from previous step
- rawTx - raw transaction in HEX
- contractType - check contract types page for more information
"transactionHash" : "0x5432....5432",
"status": true
}All your balances are updated automatically. You can repeat the same process anytime.
If you already withdrawn tokens by yourself without using withdraw. You can notify the backend by using informWithdrawn
{ chainId, txid }
is transactionHash of wallet withdraw transaction.Consider informWithdrawn method as just poke method. Our backend can catch the transaction in block as well